Sunday, May 20, 2012

District Conference

The Rotary District Conference in Patince, Slovakia is drawing to a close. Today we will be heading back to Ostrava, Czech Republic, with great memories from the weekend.

Our trip from Bratislava to the conference started with a surprise. Juraj, our host in Bratislava and a member of the visiting GSE to the US, took us on an amazing trip through Slovakia and Austria in some of the vintage cars he has worked on with his business.

The conference has been a lot of fun. It has been great seeing some of the Rotarians from our previous stops and to visit with the outbound teams to the US and Brazil. They had great presentations about their time visiting the other districts. Some of the other highlights of the weekend included the wine tasting Friday night, opera performance Saturday, and our presentation to the group. They even greeted us with "Born in the USA" as we went up to present. The most lively presentation, however, was the presentation from the visiting exchange students. What an amazing group. None of us could imagine what it must be like to spend a year away from home at that age. There were almost 40 visiting students from around the world.

Well, that is all for to the next location!

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